
Our paid for counselling service gives you a safe, confidential place to discuss your problems.  Our trained and qualified counsellors will encourage you to talk about what’s happening to help you to:

  • explore your feelings and problems in more depth
  • find out why you feel the way you do 
  • work out what to do next and how you can improve things or accept what’s happening for you

This is a flexible service (12+), provided by our experienced in-house talking therapy team.  Your weekly or fortnightly sessions will last for 50 minutes and can continue for up to six weeks or longer, depending on your needs.  We build in regular reviews to make sure therapy is still working for you.

Free counselling can also be accessed through the Parabl Partnership. Contact details can be found at the bottom of this page.

When and where is it?

Counselling sessions take place at our Wellbeing Centre in Mold.  When you contact us we will discuss the most convenient time for your appointment.

Counselling can also be provided over the phone and online.

What does it cost?

Counselling for individuals costs £45.00 per session. 

Relationship Counselling costs £60.00 per session.

How can I book a session

Simply call 01352 974430 or complete the enquiry form on this page. We will then arrange your first appointment.  During this appointment you will meet one of our counsellors, discuss the issues you feel you would like to bring, and decide if our service is right for you before you go on to book further sessions.

Listed on the Counselling Directory

Private Counselling Enquiry Form


Please click here to read our privacy notice

Free counselling is also available through the Parabl Partnership.  This can be provided at The Wellbeing Centre in Mold or over the phone by our counsellors.  To find out more or for a telephone assessment ring 0300 777 2257 or email [email protected]

Our Funders