Compliments and complaints: have your say

At NEW Mind we are committed to improving the quality of our services.  By telling us what you think you can help us improve.

If you have any comments – good or bad – about your experience with any of our services please raise them with the member of staff or volunteer who provides the service.

If you’re still not satisfied and would prefer to talk to someone else, or would like to provide written feedback then you can send comments to us at [email protected], making sure to leave your name and a contact phone number. 

Any complaints will be fully investigated in line with NEW Mind’s Complaints Procedure which can also be obtained from the NEW Mind office (email us for a copy or ring 01352 974430).

If you’d prefer you can also use Flintshire County Council’s Complaints Procedure to comment on our social support and information services.  For a copy contact Flintshire County Council’s Adult Social Care team on 01352 702642

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