Why support NEW Mind?

Mental health problems can affect anyone, rich or poor, young or old, shattering the lives of those affected and the lives of the people close to them. In North East Wales, as elsewhere, there are not enough resources to support everyone experiencing mental distress. Your support can help more people recover their health and wellbeing.

Every year…

  • Around 28,350 people in Flintshire will experience mental distress
  • Only 2,855 people will receive specialist mental health services in Flintshire from psychiatrists and community mental health teams – others will be supported by their GP or get no support at all

In our lives…

  • One in four of us will experience mental distress at some point in a year.
  • Depression will be the second leading cause of global disability by 2020.

The difference NEW Mind makes …

  • Each year around 500 people are trained by NEW Mind to recognise mental distress in others and support them in finding appropriate support and help through Mental Health First Aid
  • Each year around 175 people receive talking therapies like counselling through Flintshire Talking Therapies.
  • Each year around 55 people get support to reduce the isolation their mental health problems have caused through social groups, events and activities in the community such as the Saturday Drop-in and Step Up! Step Out!

Our Funders