Trustee/Directors (Voluntary Role)

NEW Mind welcomes new directors and is keen to explore how they can put their skills and interests to good use to help local people experiencing mental distress. We positively encourage and welcome people who have experienced mental distress themselves to become directors. The directors of NEW Mind are also the trustees of the charity – they are responsible for running the charity.

We have a vacancy for a volunteer Treasurer, please click here

We are especially keen to recruit people with knowledge of the Wrexham area, those with financial management experience and people with a track record in marketing, communication and fundraising.

What will I be doing?

The main role of a director is to oversee the running of the organisation and this involves attending board of directors’ meetings. Directors can be thought of as guardians of the organisation’s best interests and promoters of its aims. The board, with support from the Chief Officer, works to:

  • ensure that NEW Mind keeps to its core values and meets its legal duties (including its duties under company, employment and charity law)
  • steer the organisation and ensure it does what it was set up to do (they don’t get involved in the day-to-day running of the organisation: that’s the job of the Chief Officer and staff team).
  • discuss and agree the sort of activities the organisation should be carrying out
  • discuss and agree a business plan, budget and policies
  • oversee the implementation of the business plan and budget throughout the year to check that everything is going to plan and is of high quality

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