The Big Mental Health Survey

Mind’s Big Mental Health Survey is here. It’s your chance to speak about your experiences of mental health and the mental health system too.  

What you say in this survey could go on to push for better laws, build better services and create a system that works for everyone. 

Mind want you to know that this isn’t just any survey either – this survey is important. It’s going to provide clearer data on experiences with primary care, voluntary organisations and apps that support mental health. And it’s going to help inform their next Big Mental Health Report too, meaning it can give an even better picture of mental health today. 

Together this information is crucial. It will help everyone better understand where the problems are today, so we can start fixing the mental health crisis tomorrow. 

Here’s what you need to know to take part:  

  • You have to be 16+ 
  • You have to have experience using either primary care services (like your GP or practice nurse), charity mental health support services or apps in the last 12 months 

If that’s you or someone you know, then this is the moment to help make change happen. Take the Big Mental Health Survey today. Help change the mental health system tomorrow. 

The survey will close on 31 March. Take the survey

Posted on: 8th January 2025

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