Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)

This course is for your staff if you’d like them to understand more about mental health and how to help if someone is stressed, depressed or anxious.  First aid for physical health problems is well established: this internationally recognised course aims to support people to become skilled “Mental Health First Aiders”.

What will I learn?

MHFA provides an overview of common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. It looks at causes, symptoms, treatments, self help and therapies and teaches people how to:

  • recognise distress
  • recognise the difference between Therapy and First Aid
  • be confident in administering help in a First Aid situation
  • provide initial help and guide a person towards appropriate support

The aims of Mental Health First Aid are to:

  • preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others
  • provide help to prevent the mental health issue developing into a more serious state
  • promote the recovery of good mental health
  • provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental distress
  • reduce stigma and discrimination through education

When and where are courses held?

MHFA is a 12-hour intensive course which can be held over 2 days or four half days.  Courses can be held at your own premises or at another venue if you would prefer.

Is there a cost?

Please contact us for prices.   

How do I book?

Simply contact [email protected] and we’ll send you a booking pack or ring us on 01352 974431. 

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