P&A Group Staff Run Manchester Marathon and raise funds for North East Wales Mind

The team at North East Wales Mind were honoured when The P&A Group got in touch to let us know they would be choosing North East Wales Mind as their Charity of the Year!

We’d like to say a huge thanks to everyone at P&A Group for choosing to support North East Wales Mind; the money they raise throughout this year will ensure we can support more people and keep fighting for better mental health.

“A team of eight runners from the P&A Group smashed the Manchester Marathon on Sunday 14th April raising vital funds towards our chosen charity of the year, North East Wales Mind.
The team of eight comprised: Hazel Bainbridge, Andrew Baker, Iwan Gwyn, Ben Morgan, and Reza Yaghoubi who were accompanied by Pawel Czapiewski, Krzysztof Narloch and Jan Wardyn, representing one of Zest’s polish partner companies.”

Steve Morgan, P&A Group Managing Director commented:

“I am really proud of the team for completing the Manchester Marathon and recording such brilliant times along the way and to have raised nearly £4,000 so far is fantastic! This figure will be added to other fundraising totals as our aim is to reach £10,000 this year for North East Wales Mind. Not only have they each achieved a personal goal but they have most importantly raised awareness of mental health issues. To add this figure to the £1,869 raised for the Chester 10K means we are off to a great start”.
To read more or make a donation, please visit our website: https://bit.ly/3Uo2z1s

Posted on: 18th April 2024

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